The Right Time

Daily Prompt: Turn, Turn, Turn

For many of us, winter is blooming into spring, or fall hardening into winter. Which season do you most look forward to?

I would have to say my favorite season is Spring.  I love new life! I love seeing the seeds grow into plants, blossom and grow – kind of like us.  When we are planted with the Word of God, it does things “underground” for a while, and then one day, it breaks through the Earth and starts to grow.  I see my walk like that.  I don’t always know what is growing underneath the surface, but I trust God to work it out for my good.

I wrote this song after I broke my leg last year; my season changed in a day!  It was the day after my birthday and my husband and I were doing a cabling job at a large Resort.  I was on the ladder when it twisted and broke.  My head hit the wall, and I was knocked out for a moment.  That was God’s way of protecting me, I didn’t feel or hear anything when I hit the ground with my leg still caught in between the steps of the ladder.  I came to and things didn’t look so good.  Let’s just say my left foot was sideways.

Long story short, I am now part Bionic Woman, I have a rod that was put into my lower left leg.  I happened to break both of the bones there, yipee!  I was in a wheelchair for about a month or two, then crutches, then a cane, lots of Dr. visits, exercises, etc. It was a time that I slowed down, I had to, I didn’t have a choice. Everything changed, in a moment.  Not only physically, but mentally too for me.  I learned during my season of rest, that I was ‘doing’ a lot of things, but I was not peaceful.  In this season I learned to just ‘be’.  I learned how to live in my own skin, again.  To accept the good, the bad, and the ugly.  To treasure the moment instead of always trying to figure out “Why?”.  And I learned to cherish those around me.

Today, I can walk, sometimes I limp a little, and I can really feel it when it’s cold out.  But I can walk, thank you Jesus.  I learned to lean on others during this time, that was hard for me.  I always liked to do things for myself.  I had to LET people help me, especially my husband.  He was such a trooper, that man deserves a medal! I learned how to sit down for a while, and learn to receive.  If I couldn’t accept help from someone other than myself, how could I accept anything from God?  I learned how to trust again during this season.

So, if you still feel like it is Winter, if your season suddenly changed overnight, just hold on:

things will change – God promised.

I had to learn to trust God, again

Good came out of it, what the Devil meant for evil, God used for good.

I like that about God!


© 2013 Diana Rasmussen

I’m waiting, for the right time,
for my season to change.
Patiently waiting, expectantly praying.
I’m believing good, and it’s coming my way,
I’m believing good, and it’s coming my way.

To everything there’s a season, a right time under the heavens.
A purpose for everything, created before time began.

A right time for birth and another for death.
A right time to plant and another to reap.
A right time to weep and another to laugh.
A right time to mourn and another to dance.


To everything there’s a season, a right time under the heavens.
A purpose for everything, created before time began.

A right time to hold on and another to let go.
A right time to shut up and another to speak.
A right time to love and another to hate.
A right time for war and another for peace.



17 thoughts on “The Right Time”

  1. Diana,

    You never cease to amaze me, my friend! Your testimony was powerful in and of itself, but then you just took it over the top with your song! The lyrics were great, and spot on with Ecclesiastes 3, and the tune was one of those tunes that you’ll find yourself humming again and again. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us Diana!


  2. What a beautiful encouragement to us, whatever season we find ourselves in. I especially listened to the part about doing alot but not really being peaceful. Thank you, Diana and God bless you and your music!

  3. There is indeed the right time for everything and this is the time for me to say thank you for your wonderful words of hope and encouragement. ~ God Bless You ~

    • Thank you Wendy. I see that now a year later, but it sure didn’t feel like that at the time! Funny how God can turn things around. Everything is beautiful in time…blessings to you too! Diana


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