Why we share

Why we share

From Pinterest.com


  1. Reblogged this on Lessons by Heart and commented:
    It is our earnest hope that by sharing our lives, others can avoid some of the pitfalls, or see the path we took to get out. Be sure to poke around on Diana’s blog – and don’t miss her music! \o/

  2. I think I will share on my facebook page with your link – I know some people who need to read this!

  3. Reblogging on Sunday. This is Romans 8:28 in action; it’s also the beauty promised for our ashes when we can divert someone!


  4. Amen!!! Thank you, Diana. I really needed this today.

    • You are so welcome Skye, thank you for reading and talking with me. I am forever grateful for my blog friends. I feel like you know me better than my family sometimes.

      • Ditto!!! Please know you have a friend in me!! 🙂

  5. Yes, story … the power of story. And your story must be told, and must be heard … but not just with anyone. Keep up the good work, my friend.

      • Thank you so much… Now you will have me crying! I hope you don’t mind but I had to reblog it. We all share our stories to try to help others so that they don’t have to suffer like we have by learning from our mistakes.. Thanks for all that you have done to help me with my song.. May God bless you my sister!!!

  6. Reblogged this on Archaic Sugar and commented:
    This message has been coming back to me over and over from different directions. But I think I prefer to make a film at some point, instead of speaking or blogging it. My nine lives of mistakes is still pretty embarrassing-devastating-shocking but I think everyone should share past mistakes if the wisdom has a chance of being understood.

    • I couldn’t agree with you more. Yet, I look at my past more like building blocks, not mistakes – it got me here. I learned along the way, and have forgiven myself and others, it has been quite an adventure! I mean really, truth is stranger than fiction! You can’t make this stuff up! And we made it, thank you Jesus! We know there is a God – we are still here!

      • Absolutely. But I didn’t listen, I knew they were wrong turns so much, but was stubborn, hard-headed and arrogant. And though I have forgiven myself, I believe they were mistakes b/c I was mistaken. I thought the wrong turns were no big deal, and life has proved they were huge. And a big deal, to my life and the lives of others. So for me, I must call them what they are (some specific incidents). But you are right in that – you can’t make this stuff up!!!!


        I was a knucklehead. Anyway we are still here and must be grateful and humble around it (I am). Because you’re right in that, it could have gone another way, several times! 🙂

        So, God is good. 🙂 And prayers – work. Even ones, others pray for you, amazingly.

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