What Seeds Are Your Words Planting?

As I join the throng of High School Educators and Assistants I am learning the power of words on the next generation. I am humbled. And sad. It has only been a month yet I already see the “kingdoms” that some adults establish to prove their importance. I have seen good teachers who encourage and strengthen our youth. But I have also seen those who plant seeds of doubt and confusion.


What Seeds are your words planting?

Here are some Humorous Examples of Types of Teachers from Teachthought.com

  • Crazy Teacher – This is the teacher whose class you don’t miss. The one that roller skates into class on the first day of school tossing out goodie bags of highlighters and breath mints, and swigs Mountain Dew right out of the 2-liter bottle before putting it back in her purse.

  • Rebel Teacher – This is the one who mocks the principal when they turn their back, thumbs their nose at “the state,” and encourages students to stand on their desks and rip their SpringBoard book into pieces. Viva la rebel!

  • Over-Achiever Teacher – This is the teacher that has to have their class first at everything: first in fundraising, first to the lunchroom, first in reading goals, first in parent participation, and first to every PLC meeting–everything graded, in alphabetical order, with a “research-based strategy” ready to start the meeting. All in the name of education and “school spirit,” of course.

  • Fire-and-Brimstone – If you do not learn to read Chaucer or solve theorems with the  same urgency as the Fire-and-Brimstone teacher, you’ll fail. At life.

Click here to read the full article. (Images from Pinterest)

gentle answer

One comment

  1. Wow… I love how our Precious Holy Spirit speaks to us. He gave me “Seeds of Destruction” regarding verbal abuse which I wrote this weekend to post this week. Love how we are both sensitive to what He is saying. Love you!!!

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