Keeping the Peace – meet Ahab

Well yesterday we talked about Jezebel and the Spirit of Control, today lets visit Ahab.  I was an Ahab, for years. I would do anything to keep the peace, I hated confrontation, I would roll-over-and-play-dead way too easily. When the Abuser said it was my fault, I just agreed, to avoid an argument.  But then, after a while, you start to believe those things.  Even if they are not true.  Jezebel can’t do what they do without an Ahab.

Again, once I was free, I had to look at my behavior, and what I could do differently so I would not end up in the same place.  I did not ask for the abuse, it was wrong.  But what was I doing to change my thoughts and behavior so that an Abusive person would not entice me again?  These are the questions I struggled with.  Was it my fault – no, I didn’t deserve abuse, and neither did my children.  Did I ask for it – no, that was another lie.  Was I deceived – yes, and after years, unfortunately, the abnormal becomes normal.  I learned how to ‘survive’.

Did I want to go around this mountain one more time – NO!  That’s when God lead me out of the valley of Abuse, when I was open to a new way.  He put people in my like that affirmed me.  “No, you are not crazy, this is wrong.”  Thank you Lord, for sending those Angels!

God gave me a DOOR OF HOPE in my valley of trouble!

Once again, another Steve Sampson’s book; this one is called

“Discerning and Defeating The Ahab Spirit

 the Key to Breaking Free”

Characteristics of the Ahab Spirit

Passive versus Aggressive character traits

Overmerciful overlegalistic. Passive people like Ahab tend to be overmerciful, seeing the best in every person and overlooking too much. They forgive others too quickly (not making them aware of their offense) and also forgive people who have not asked for forgiveness and are not even remorseful. This almost certainly guarantees the abuser’s continued behavior. Aggressive people like Jezebel are on the other extreme — harsh in their expectations and unforgiving when people do not meet their unrealistic expectations.

Walking away from a person versus walking over a person. People with passive Ahab personalities quickly give away their power and walk away in order to avoid conflict. They find it easier to push their feelings inside. On the other hand, people with aggressive personalities seem to have no concern or conscience about whom they step on and use, as long as they get their way.

Avoiding confrontation versus in-your-face confrontation. Passive people avoid confrontation at all costs and will even blame themselves when others insult or betray them. However, aggressive people have no problem handing out insults and pushing blame on whomever they happen to choose. They have no regard for others’ feelings, and will more or less tell you this.

Peacekeepers versus peacemakers. Passive personalities are notorious for being peacekeepers. They want the temporary, immediate gratification of keeping the peace at any price rather than “making peace” by boldly dealing with the issues at hand, which would result in more permanent, long-term gratification.

Grumbling under one’s breath versus open verbal abuse. People with passive personalities will resent verbal assaults, but they will refuse to take the offender to task and stop the behavior. Instead, they usually walk away grumbling. Aggressive people feel free to openly vent, abuse others and tell them off. Just minutes later, they will act as if nothing happened, even though they have left resentful people with wounded hearts in their wake. Jezebel personalities are so self-centered that they do not even realize they have severely damaged the people who happened to be in their destructive path, and Ahab personalities leave others feeling responsible for them as victims.

Do not mind being wrong (if you’ll approve of me) versus refusing ever to be wrong (I’ll love you if you see things my way). Passive people often have such a need for approval that they will take the blame for anything if they perceive it as winning them your acceptance. Aggressive people will love you until you disagree with them! Then that love becomes a destructive hatred for you, and they will even go to the point of trying to destroy you and your reputation.

Fear of nonacceptance versus fear of rejection. While passive people will do almost anything to gain acceptance, aggressive people (who are always insecure and often wounded people) have a huge fear of rejection. Their actions come out of an “attack mode” because they are determined never to experience rejection again.

Low self-esteem (clothed in nice) versus low self-esteem (clothed in fear of more hurt). Passive people are usually nice people — too nice. They have low self-worth and try to gain ground by winning acceptance. Aggressive people also have low self-esteem, but usually they are bold, arrogant and pushy — all in an effort (because of old wounds) to avoid more hurt.

Fear of what people think of me versus fear of people not agreeing with me. The fear of man totally binds most passive people. They spend amazing amounts of energy trying to please everyone — even those they do not know or those who could not care less about them. Aggressive individuals, on the other hand, are so insecure that they see anyone who chooses to disagree with them as the enemy. Filled with their own insecurities, aggressive people perceive any type of correction as more rejection.

 Anger directed inward versus anger directed toward others. Passive people are notorious for directing anger and insults back at themselves. If something goes wrong, they simply blame themselves. They often have major anger issues and will ultimately become passive-aggressive. Aggressive people pour their anger out on anyone who is available. They rarely look at themselves because they are so convinced that they are right. These aggressive personalities are self-appointed figures who think one of their roles is to correct the rest of the world. Sometimes they are sarcastically referred to as “gods in training.”

Accepting blame too easily versus projecting blame (you made me do it). Typically, passive people will quickly embrace blame in a situation in order to put everyone else at ease. While this is actually a kind of false humility, passive people have the goal of making everyone happy again in order to increase their own self-worth. Like Jezebel, aggressive people will take blame for nothing! Even when caught in a wrong, their defense is, “You made me do it.” “Yes, I robbed the bank, but it’s your fault because you didn’t give me enough money …”

(list is from:

Excerpt taken from “Discerning and Defeating the Ahab Spirit: The Key to Breaking Free From Jezebel” by Steve Sampson, pages 34-36 To read more, buy the book! Steve Sampson has written a number of books about the Christian walk. He travels and ministers extensively, offering encouragement, faith, and healing to the body of Christ. Steve has three children and lives in Birmingham, Alabama.



  1. always i used to read smaller posts that also clear their motive,
    and that is also happening with this article which I am reading now.

  2. Right on girl!!! You got it. The end time spirit of Jezebel is alive and well and we all need to learn how to discern it’s presence and pray against it. I totally relate to everything that you said. I was the totally passive one, accepting all fault, and allowing that spirit of control and manipulation to stomp me into the ground. I thank God that He has resuced us… Thank you sister!!!

    • Yep, I was the passive one too. I am glad God makes all things new, and gives us our voice back! You are welcome beautiful!

  3. Amen again, ladies. Press on, Princess Warriors. The bride of Christ is rising up in her true identity when we can discern these things. We rejoice in God’s correction and in His new direction. Praise Him with a loud shout of triumph!

  4. Ouch! 🙂 “Fear of what people think of me versus fear of people not agreeing with me. The fear of man totally binds most passive people. They spend amazing amounts of energy trying to please everyone — even those they do not know or those who could not care less about them. ” – and it really makes me mad when I do this. It’s like being aware of it but still reacting out of habit that way. It has a life of its own. Time to make it go! Blessings!

    • I’m kicking it out too Ann, I have wasted way too much time and energy on this one! I had to go to counseling for awhile to learn how to be assertive, not passive or passive-aggressive. I have grown, but I certainly haven’t “arrived”!

      • Right there with you 🙂 Sometimes He just touches us and we “get it”. I will pray that for you. I have been reminded today that when we kick the enemy out of the house we must fill the void with the Holy Spirit immediately or he/it will come back with more of his gang and I’m not going to see that happen anymore. In the Name of Jesus we are already victorious over this junk but need to believe that and declare it and be vigilant with our thoughts by standing in the Truth. Put the armor on cause it’s time to battle and not just take it. Wow! Feel like a preacher! Princess Warriors, that’s what we are 🙂 A crown, a sword and a song of praise. Blessings!

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