7 Ways to Keep Your Peace

Choosing your battles is not always an easy task. Some people just want to argue. Some are addicted to drama. Some are jealous. Some people enjoy creating chaos.  Remember Pigpen and the little cloud of dust that followed him? Leaving a dust trail wherever he went. A little here, a little there – you knew where he had been. You could see the trail!

peace 9I am writing this to remind myself today. I am feeling drained. Too many obligations, not enough time, waiting on this, waiting on that, and the first week of kids home from school.  Life just feels so disorganized today.  Do you ever have days like that? Does this mean I am talking to myself, lol?

How do you deal with people who try to rob your peace?  Here are a few of my ideas – learned the hard way of course!

7 ways to Keep Your Peace

1. Refuse to attend every argument you are invited to.  Just because someone thinks differently than you doesn’t mean it’s a contest to see who is right.  Let us let go of our desire to prove ourselves with every person who comes along.  As God’s kids we are already accepted in Him. Our identity comes from who He says we are, not about who others say. It’s ok if we don’t agree with everybody all the time.

2.  Let’s give ourselves permission to not always have the last word. Conversation is a two way street. Half of the time is listening.  Let us be better listeners.

3.  How about we let go of being The Savior? Jesus is the Savior, not us. Let us give ourselves permission NOT to rescue everyone.  We are NOT responsible for their choices, only our own.  Love them enough to let them be fully responsible for their own actions.

4. Let us let go of criticizing and condemning other people’s behaviors. Nobody likes condemnation. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict people.  There is no condemning of anyone.  We don’t choose who goes to Heaven or Hell – Jesus does.  Our job is to preach the Word – in season and out. We are not the Holy Spirit.  Others might welcome it, or not.  What they do with it really is up to them.

5.  Let’s give ourselves permission to be wrong. None of us is perfect in our own strength. It’s ok, we are still human.  Let’s be willing to admit when we make a mistake. Let’s forgive, as we have been forgiven as well.  Let it go already!

6. Let us Guard our hearts and protect our peace.  It’s ok to say no. It’s ok to give yourself some distance from a person.  It is ok not to answer every text, every email, every phone call.  Let’s use our boundaries. Not everything or everyone gets to come into our yard, or our house, or our minds whenever they want. That is healthy.  Let us give ourselves the same respect and honor we give to others.

7.  Know how to refill your body, mind, and spirit with Living Water – Jesus. Whether we read the Word, listen to the Word, listen to a Message, listen to music, just unplug, or whatever.  Garbage in – garbage out, as they say. Let us learn to honor our bodies and minds with good things. Let’s take walks, enjoy nature, take baths, and go smell the flowers!  Let us give ourselves time and space to rest in Him.  It’s ok, He really does have this all worked out!


Source: pinterest
Source: pinterest


  1. I just ask Jehovah to guide my words and actions. It is amazing. There are times when I want to take the bait and get into a stupid argument by the wolves who deleight in fights. I find i give a short reply to make my point and then say nothing. It has prevented a lot of useless fights and discouraged the wolves from trying to bait me again.

    Jehovah bless you that He guides your words and actions that will bring Him praise and you peace, love and joy

    • Thank you for wisdom on this ropheka. Yeah, don’t ‘take the bait’ – wow, what a revelation there!

  2. I loved this and NEEDED it! Thank you for helping us keep our peace . .such a precious thing! God bless!

    • Thank you Debbie. I had to remind myself that it is ok to say no. God is helping me grow in the people-pleasing department! I want to please God, not men.

  3. I love this!! Thank you. I’m going to print these pointers.
    You are such a good friend to me. THANK YOU!!!!

    • And you are too t. I need to remind myself when I get weary. Changes are not always easy, especially as I get older. Help us all Lord Jesus, Diana

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